
Oct 29, 2009

Furlough Of DDS Employees Costing California $849,000 A Day

From the Capitol Weekly, which labels itself as the newspaper of California Government and Politics:
The Social Security Administration, in a filing in Alameda County Superior Court, said the furloughs of personnel in the state Disability Determination Services Division, or DDSD, “does not save the state a single penny and actually costs the state money.” The Social Security Administration estimated the furloughs in the DDSD cost the state about $849,000 a day. The federal government covers the cost and overhead of the furloughed employees. The Social Security filing was submitted as a “statement of interest” in connection with a lawsuit filed against the Schwarzenegger administration by the Union of American Physicians and Doctors. A hearing in that case is scheduled Nov. 16.
The article says that there are at least six other similar lawsuits in California.

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