
Nov 27, 2009

NADE Newsletter Out

The Fall 2009 issue of the newsletter of the National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE) is out. NADE is an organization of personnel who work at the state agencies which make disability determinations at the initial and reconsideration levels for Social Security. This issue of their newsletter includes articles on presentations made at recent NADE events by Commissioner Michael Astrue, former Commissioner Dorcas Hardy, and Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications Phil Gambino.

I was surprised to see almost nothing in this newsletter about furloughs affecting NADE members. I would have expected that to be a major issue for NADE.


  1. Why does the Honorable Michael Astrue want to talk to the unions regarding a new contract?

  2. The competency of the current nade president is in question with many members. I'm sure the issue of leaving furloughs out of the newsletter is only a miniscule problem that nade will have to deal with in the future.

  3. I'd be interested to know what what input Dorcas Hardy could have possibly made. She is the hatchetwoman who propelled SSA down the track of less staff, more technology, to the train wreck that exists today.

  4. Dorcas won't go away. Seems to me I remember some time ago that she got a seat on the Soc. Sec. Advisory Board. Those of us who were in SSA at the beginning of the Reagan admin. certainly remember her. How could you forget the wonder lady who brought you a 30% staffing cut during a recession which produced a huge surge in claims filings? NO
