
Dec 10, 2009

Commissioner's E-Mail On Labor Management Forum

From: ^Commissioner Broadcast
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 9:41 AM

A Message To All SSA Employees

Subject: Executive Order Creating Labor Management Forum

I want to share with you an Executive Order President Obama signed Wednesday. The Order calls for creation of a non-adversarial forum for managers, employees, and employees' union representatives to promote constructive labor relations and improve productivity and effectiveness in the Federal Government.

I look forward to implementing this Executive Order and have asked Dr. Reginald Wells and his staff to take the lead in this new initiative.

To read the Executive Order, click here.

Michael J. Astrue



  1. The Clinton administration tried this. Didn't work. Probably won't now either. The concept of Unions/Management is adversarial by its nature. Oh, well. Kinda thought this would happen. I'm sorry I was right.

  2. First issue for discussion should be OCO allowing employees to take leave for Christmas parties.

  3. Oh yeah, I'm sure Christmas parties are at the top of AFGE's agenda.

  4. Let's get out some copies of Kum Bay Yah to sing around the campfire.

  5. If this turns out like the last one, I predict a lot of retirements in the management ranks.

  6. "Oh yeah, I'm sure Christmas parties are at the top of AFGE's agenda."

    The greater issue regarding this matter is OCO management stating a policy, but not putting things in writing and a lot of times there is no real policy.

  7. If managment really wanted to win the battle with AFGE they would "kill" the employees with kindness. Instead of treating the employees like indentured servants, treat them nice and show your appreciation for what they do. Oh yeah, a Christmas Party would go a long way if you do it right. But that's too simple.

  8. Kindness? It is to late in the party for that. Change needs to happen now!
