
Dec 3, 2009

Killing Off DSI

Former Social Security Commissioner Barnhart had a grand plan for resolving all the problems in disability determination at Social Security. It was called Disability Service Improvement or DSI. There were just a couple of problems with DSI. It made no sense. It did not work when implemented. It quickly became obvious that DSI would not last once Barnhart was replaced by Michael Astrue, the current Commissioner. However, some parts of DSI have continued in Social Security's Boston region. Social Security will publish proposed regulations in the Federal Register tomorrow to officially and finally kill off DSI.

Does anyone know how much money was wasted on DSI? Many people in high places at Social Security talked glowingly about the wonders of DSI while Barnhart was Commissioner. Did they really believe what they were saying?


  1. DSI was certainly one of the dumbest programs that SSA ever schemed up, and that is really saying something. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  2. Ah, how soon we forget. While DSI was a flop, so was that wonderful creation of Susan Daniels back in 2000 roughly, known as HPI. History, something to be repeated most likely.
