
Dec 12, 2009

More On Monday

I will have some excerpts on Monday, but if you have the slightest interest in what replaces the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) in disability determination at Social Security, you need to take a look at Chapter 8 of A Database for a Changing Economy: Review of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) and then ask yourself why Social Security is insisting on forging ahead on its own at enormous expense on a project which is far outside its field of expertise.


  1. Why not forge ahead on something that is beyond SSA's field of expertise. SSA has been doing the same thing with the Disability Program for the last 13 years.
    They tamper with everything else in the program over and over again in hopes that they can change the program and the get the same result every time - spend millions of dollars and get nothing done.

  2. Amen! Their history is full of new ideas which will work miracles at no additional cost and/or with no additional personnel, or so they say. The new things almost always fail. Kind of makes you think that the new things are implemented solely to make someone think that the senior management folks are doing something - anything, to deserve their paychecks.
