
Dec 8, 2009

SSA Wants Contractor To Screen ALJ Applicants

From a posting made on, where federal agencies must post notices of contracting opportunities:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) intends to issue an unrestricted solicitation to obtain the services of one experienced company to perform telephone background screenings on potential candidates that could serve as Administrative Law Judges for the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR). The contractor shall provide staff experienced in conducting background screening of mid- to senior level attorneys (comparable to 6th year associates and above, partners, judges, general counsel, associate general counsel positions, U.S. Attorneys, etc.) Only experience U.S. based telephone interviewers (including Alaska and Hawaii) who speak English clearly may be used.

1 comment:

  1. And how will this SSA ALJ background check be any different from the one currently used by ODAR? ODAR already uses an experienced background investigation company to screen ALJ applicants. In all likelihood, the contractor chosen will be the same one used now, using the same methods.
