
Jan 25, 2010

And We Thought Backlogs Were Bad At Social Security

At the Department of Veteran's Affairs Regional Office in Roanoke, VA, the stacks of backlogged case files are so big that they threaten the structural integrity of the building!


  1. This is one of the reasons why the processing of claims takes time.

  2. The easy solution is to hire individuals!

  3. No silly Anon #2 the answer is to go electronic. Doesn't anyone remember the stacks of paper cases that used to litter SSAs/OHAa now pristince office sites. We won't even talk about the laundry carts full of cases at the AC.

    Once we went to electronic files those silly physical reminders of the backlog and hence actual claimants went away, just like magic.

    Now we can focus on production numbers oh so ready at a finger tip. No need to remember that there are actual claimants or that the results actually matter. Just move that case from status to status. Even if there is a problem. Even if due process is numbered away. Who cares, your stats look fab.

    All the VA has to do is make their files electronic with no paper files and presto, no worries. Just numbers that you can manipulate to look like you are making progress, even when your not.

    How revolutionary.
