
Jan 4, 2010

Assault In Las Vegas Was Based On Social Security Dispute

From the Las Vegas Sun:

A man upset over losing a lawsuit regarding his Social Security benefits walked into the Lloyd D. George Federal Courthouse in downtown Las Vegas this morning, pulled a shotgun from beneath his jacket and opened fire, killing a court security officer. ...

While the investigation is still under way, the officials say the early evidence points to the man's anger over his benefits case as the motive for the shooting.


  1. Totally not surprised from FO perspective. It was only a matter of time. How many more of these do we have to look forward to?

  2. Agree with comment one. It's not right but don't surprise me. Especially with bad alj's denying valid claims. And if not mistaken,this was a black male,and discrimination still exist,so it's not surprising,although not an excuse.

  3. He moved from California to Nevada and his SSI was reduced because Nevada, unlike California, does not provide a state supplement to SSI. His race had nothingg to do sith it. Nor had he had an ALJ hearing - which would have been futile anyway given the facts.

    No sympathy for the murderer here - all my sympathy is for the dead security guard and the wounded court officer and their families and friends.

  4. How the heck does #2 jump to the conclusion that this is at any way related to 1)Bad ALJ's denying claims or 2)race?

    This was an approved SSI recipient. He sounds so paranoid, that I would bet he was approved at the initial level. No way to prove it in this forum. He didn't like the amount of his check. He concluded that it was because of race discrimination and no one was going to convince him otherwise. He probably uses race as the reasons for all the bad things that happen to him in his life. His impaired mental state does not allow him to see anything else, doesn't allow him to see the truth. He obsessed over it and it turned into this tragedy. Since he was on SSI, he had coverage under Medi-Cal (Medicaid) so he could have gotten treatment and medication if he sought it. Sad for him, but sadder for the guard and court officer.

    Check has gone down to zero now. He'll probably still blame it on race. And he may not get the treatment he needs while incarcerated.

  5. Well, clearly if he able to walk into a court house and fire a gun he wasn't disabled enough to get benefits ^^

  6. It may not have been about race as it was alleged. But discrimination based on race is still a valid argument. Because the klu klux klan is not overtly seen doesn't mean it don't occur. Of course some people refuse to believe facts and probability.

    Signed,commenter #2

  7. Since when did the KKK or bad ALJ's become involved in this issue? Here is what we know. He lost his SSI state supplement from CA so his SSI was reduced when he moved out of state. He had his court case dismissed. He was mentally unstable enough to shoot people.

  8. Why are there State supplements, anyway? I've never figured that one out...but as a former T2 CR, never could understand the intricacies of SSI anyway.
