
Jan 20, 2010

Florida Office Honored

From The Villages Daily Sun:
When Tom Milligan learned the Leesburg Social Security office was to be honored for excellence, he was surprised — and gratified.

“I’ve always thought we were very deserving, every year,” said Milligan, the office’s district manager. “It’s a great honor, and we’ve worked really hard.”

A brief award presentation took place Thursday afternoon at the office.

“It means a lot to us — the people in this office,” Milligan said, “and hopefully it means a lot to this area — that they get the kind of service here that they would like to have.”

The award was presented by Paul Barnes, regional commissioner for the Southeast Region of the Social Security Administration.

1 comment:

  1. I was glad you shared this as my 84 year old mother lives on SS and in Leesburg, FL. If she has any problems, I will tell her to call this office. You can't get through calling most FOs, but maybe this one will be better....
