
Jan 11, 2010

New SSI Regulations

Social Security has posted new final regulations in the Federal Register. These are technical revisions to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) regulations on income and resources. The changes concern:
  • Statutory Employees
  • Exclusion of Child Tax Credit (CTC) From Income and Resources
  • Exclusion of Flood Mitigation Payments From Income and Resources
  • Exclusion of Energy Employee Occupational Illness Medical Benefits and Compensation Payment From Income and Resources
  • Home Exclusion to Victims of Domestic Abuse
  • Conditional Payments

1 comment:

  1. A lot of words for practically nothing that affects the vast majority of SSI recipients. They just can't come up with something substantive and meaningful like raising the earned income exclusion from the ridiculus $65 amount determined in 1974. Maybe in 2014, on the 40th anniversary of SSI.
