
Feb 2, 2010

An 8% Funding Increase Won't Buy Anything Like What You'd Think

Social Security's Overview of the President's proposed budget shows that even with an 8% increase in funding, Social Security expects its number of full time equivalents (FTEs) to increase by only 278 or four tenths of one percent in the next fiscal year (FY). Disability Determination Services (DDS) FTEs will increase by 984 or 6.1%. Social Security expects to hire only 70 additional Administrative Law Judges (ALJs).

The Overview also indicates that Social Security expects to implement online scheduling of appointments in fiscal year (FY) 2011.


  1. $11.6B x 8% = ~1B
    1B / 278 = 3.5M

    Dude, can I be one of those 278 FTEs :D

    (Clearly it's a joke. SSA mostly hires contractors so they don't have to pay benefits, so that 8% won't be going all to those 278.)

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