
Feb 8, 2010

Cental Offices Closed?

Because of the record snowfalls, federal offices in Washington, DC are closed today. What about Social Security's Central Office in Woodlawn, MD, just outside the District? Is it closed today? Social Security has been pretty hard nosed about closing its Central Offices but this snowfall was something way out of the ordinary. I cannot imagine that the parking lots would be clear or that public transit would be functioning today.


  1. yes, it is closed. there is @ 3 feet of snow here

  2. Are there any road scrapers in washington,maryland,pennsylvania?

    I presume ssa components such as,ogc(east coast),and appeals council closed too.

  3. Oh yes, DC and Baltimore are totally shut down. And are likely to remain so for a couple more days. 4-8 more inches are forecasted for Tuesday pm through Wednesday noon.

  4. I'm so sore from digging my car out and shoveling my sidewalk yesterday, I wouldn't have went in even if Headquarters was open today.

  5. Bunch of sissies--regards from upstate NY

  6. And both Washington DC and Social Security Headquarters in Woodlawn will be closed again today, Tuesday. We have another major storm bearing down on us here; 10-20 inches forecasted for Baltimore, 6-16 in Washington. There is no place to put any more snow in the cities, so this snow will simply be here until "Spring."
