
Feb 26, 2010

I Don't Care About Your Back Pay! I Just Want You Back At Work!

From the Sacramento Bee:

An Alameda County judge on Thursday ordered back pay for tens of thousands of state workers who he had previously ruled were illegally furloughed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Judge Frank Roesch told the state to "immediately pay all employees of respondent departments and agencies their full salary without any reductions … and cease and desist the furlough of such employees."

Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said Thursday night that the governor would appeal....

If upheld on appeal, the judge's order would cost the state more than $1 billion that officials thought they would save when furloughs were instituted a year ago.

Roesch's decision affects employees in nearly 70 departments that receive all or most of their budget money from sources other than the state's general fund [which would include California Disability Determination Services employees since their wages are paid by the Social Security Administration], regardless of their union affiliation.
Query: If the backpay award holds up, will Social Security reimburse the state for the backpay to Disability Determination employees?


  1. The outrageously high salaries and pensions California public employees receive are driving that once great state into bankruptcy.

    The public employee unions and the venal political hacks who support them would take the last dime out of the pockets of already overburdened taxpayers, most of whom work in private industry and are luckly to have a job with substantially lower pay and benefits.

    Outsized public employee salaries and benefits are unsustainable and, one way or another, will be cut back.

    Police and firefighters, with their phony disabilities, are the worst offenders.

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