
Feb 10, 2010

It Always Takes Longer Than You Expect

On December 31, 2009 Social Security was expecting to open a new hearing office in Fayetteville, NC in August, 2010. Now comes word that the General Services Administration (GSA) has signed a long term lease for space for that hearing office. It sounds like things are right on schedule. Unfortunately, the lease was signed for space in what is currently a burned out shell of a building. The owner of the building has only preliminary drawings for what will be done with the space and is unable to give a timeline for construction until financial arrangements are completed.

I think it would be a safe bet that the new hearing office will not open until well after August, 2010.

By the way, Social Security is leasing 16,000 square feet of space but only plans to have 54 employees in the office. They must be giving the office plenty of room to grow into.

1 comment:

  1. If it's that far delayed, I wouldn't be surprised if they just open temporarily in another space under a short-term lease.

    It's happened before.
