
Feb 25, 2010

Moving Forward On Setting Hearings For ALJs

Shortly after the last Presidential election, Social Security published proposed rules that would give the agency the authority to set the time and place for Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearings. This would allow the agency to set hearings for an ALJ without the ALJ's consent. Social Security has now sent a final version of this rule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is part of the White House, seeking approval before publishing the rule in the Federal Register to make it effective.


  1. Although this maybe a good idea,it doesn't go far enough with alj reform.

  2. will make reps job even more sheltered.


    -- this may be a better link

  4. The agency is using this to prevent judges from developing the file, especially getting consultative examinations.

  5. Really to prevent development of the file? That's a good one! You should be ashamed of yourself.

  6. you don't think it's to prevent ALJ's running off to a golf game in the middle of the day or to run off and teach a class to supplement there $150K salary? Just wondering . . .

  7. They are doing it because the poor clerks have to be magicians to make the ALJs whims, the ME/VE proclivities and the reps quirks (especially those who practice in other forums)all mesh into a full scheldule. If it hadn't been abused to some level by all concerned it wouldn't be ahappening.
