
Feb 20, 2010

New Hearing Office In Anchorage

KTUU reports on the opening of a new hearing office in Anchorage, Alaska. Social Security's Commissioner made the long journey for the opening. One of Alaska's Senators showed up for the party.


  1. Commissioner Astrue is transforming the SSA into a 21st century service provider. He is pursuing technologies that are revolutionizing the speed and quality of the many millions of decisions the agency has to make every year...literally going, as the KTUU story illustrates, where no Commissioner has gone before. He will go down in history as one of the best.

  2. Thanks, COSS, for that unbiased assessment of yourself.
    It will take days for all of the field office employees who read this to stop laughing.

  3. If you were a Republicsn sppointee with a union or two asking for your head, you'd go to Siam to open an office with a U.S. Senator. Give the guy a break, it is a tough economy out there.

  4. I work in the field and I'm not laughing. I think this commissioner is doing a terrific job. The people who complain about him are the ones who think he can waive his magic wand and hire 20,000 new employees. They are living in a fairy tale world. For those of us who live in the real world, we realize he is performing well in coming up with solutions to move the agency forward given the constraints he works under.
