
Feb 1, 2010

President Recommends 8% Budget Increase For Social Security

From the White House:
  • $12.5 billion for SSA [Social Security Administration], an increase of $930 million, or 8 percent, above the 2010 enacted level.
    • Includes resources to increase staffing in 2011 and allow SSA to provide services faster with a focus on key service delivery areas, such as processing initial retirement and disability claims, and disability appeals.
    • Funds targeted to lower the initial disability claims backlog below 1 million by processing more than 3 million claims and lower the appeals hearing backlog.

Significantly Increase Program Integrity Efforts

  • $796 million for SSA program integrity, including a 9 percent increase in the level of medical Continuing Disability Reviews over the prior year. SSA’s program integrity efforts are part of a strong framework for making sure the government is spending tax dollars efficiently and that benefits are paid only to those beneficiaries who are eligible and are paid in correct amounts. ...
Highlights of this department’s goals are:
  • By 2012, SSA will achieve an online filing rate of 50 percent for retirement applications.
  • SSA will work towards achieving the agency’s long-term outcomes of lowering the disability backlogs and accurately processing claims. In 2011, SSA’s will process 3.317 million out of a universe of 4.316 million initial disability claims and 799,000 out of a universe of 1.456 million hearing requests.
  • SSA will improve program integrity efforts by minimizing improper payments and strengthening the agency’s efforts to protect program dollars from waste, fraud, and abuse. In 2011, SSA’s will process 359,800 out of a total of approximately 2 million medical continuing disability reviews, an increase of 9.4 percent over 2010.



    WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama unveiled a multitrillion-dollar spending plan Monday, pledging an intensified effort to combat high unemployment and asking Congress to quickly approve new job-creation efforts that would boost the deficit to a record-breaking $1.56 trillion.

    The result is a budget plan that would give the country trillion-dollar-plus deficits for three consecutive years. Obama's new budget projects a spending increase of 5.7 percent for the current budget year and forecasts that spending would rise another 3 percent in 2011 to $3.83 trillion.

    Freeze my butt. In the words of congressman Joe Wilson, You lie.

  2. Thank God. The freeze was a terrible idea.

  3. 8 percent, above the 2010

    Social security should thank some kind of god for a liberal president.

  4. Or maybe just a president who listens to the advice of his staff (mostly professionals) in OMB. It doesn't have to do with liberal or conservative; it has to do with good management.

  5. Okay, folks, see my comment in item above this one--anon # 1--for reality check. Obama is clueless and Astrue just keeps on truckin'--right off the road into a ditch. Nothing has changed--nothing.

  6. No, sorry, clueless applied to Bush, who left Obama with a huge deficit and a shattered economy.

  7. "No, sorry, clueless applied to Bush, who left Obama with a huge deficit and a shattered economy."

    So how long is wonder boy going to keep blaming Bush? He's been in charge for a year and hasn't done anything but make things worse.

  8. One year is right. What reasonable expectation can be expected in one year? It appears he trying,and becoming more aggressvie about it.

  9. See the a** kicking BHO gave the House Republicans last Friday. Hope he continues with this attitude. It's way overdue.

  10. "See the a** kicking BHO gave the House Republicans last Friday."

    We will see who's butt gets kicked come November.
