
Feb 17, 2010

Robert Myers Passes

A broadcast e-mail from Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue:
A Message To All SSA And DDS Employees

Subject: Robert J. Myers

It is with sadness that I report the passing of Robert J. Myers on February 14, 2010. He was 97 years old.

Bob was one of the great leaders of Social Security, beginning his work in 1934 as an actuary with the Committee on Economic Security. He later served as SSA’s Chief Actuary from 1947 – 1970. Following several years as an Actuarial Consultant in other federal agencies, Bob returned to Social Security as the Deputy Commissioner (1981 – 1982). He continued to champion Social Security in other ways, including as Executive Director of the National Commission on Social Security Reform (1982-1983), also known as the Greenspan Commission. I

n addition to his dedicated service, Bob authored more than 900 articles and 5 books on the Social Security program. According to our history page, he made it into the Guinness Book of Records for having testified before Congress 175 times during his tenures as Chief Actuary and Deputy Commissioner.

Please join me in remembering and honoring Robert J. Myers.

Michael J. Astrue

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