
Feb 22, 2010

Social Security And Privacy

Take a look at Cooper v. FAA. It turns out that Social Security has been turning over to the Federal Aviation Administration medical records it has received in connection with Social Security disability claims so that the FAA can cancel pilot licenses and criminally prosecute those who are allegedly guilty of fraud in connection with their pilot license.

What do you think? Is this a good idea?


  1. If legal. Release of SSA records is severely restricted without consent. Unless specifically authorized by law, this would seem to be illegal. We cannot even respond to routine requests from local law enforcement. I would like to know more about how this was authorized.

  2. I don't believe this. IRS fraud, illegal drug activity and like is privileged, but we spill the beans to the FAA?

  3. If the pilot has not disclosed certain medical conditions to the FAA, especially when he's alleging they are disabling in nature, that's clearly a public health and safety concern.

    In that case, the Privacy Act would probably allow the medical records to be disclosed to the FAA *without consent*...

    ...and I'm glad!
