
Mar 25, 2010

The Drumbeat Starts

The New York Times is running an article telling us to be scared and to start thinking about cutting benefits because the Social Security trust funds are paying out a little more money this year than they are taking in.


  1. Simple--raise the retirement age and eliminate the "grid" for disability cases

  2. Oh sure.. simple.. you sound like an ALJ.

  3. Economic recovery would replenish the trust funds, but that is less likely every day with the Obamacrats' drunken sailor spending plans, exacerbated by the Health Care Deformed Act.

  4. "Economic recovery would replenish the trust funds, but that is less likely every day with the Obamacrats' drunken sailor spending plans, exacerbated by the Health Care Deformed Act."

    Government spending is our last resort for economic growth, especially after the banks crippled themselves and millions of homeowners face foreclosure.

  5. "Government spending is our last resort for economic growth"

    Yes the clowns running things now don't understand that the government doesn't create jobs, other than make work and more government jobs.

  6. eliminate the "grid

    I agree,disability should be based on functioning.

  7. The WPA didn't just put people to work, it stimulated the economy so that the private sector could start creating jobs - that was its specific function, along with keeping people from starving. There's no reason why that can't be done again. Was FDR a "clown"?

  8. For the right wing-nuts, of course he was a clown. He was called a lot worse in his day. It's just something that great leaders have to put up with, the name-calling by doofuses.

  9. Oh, yeah and the left never engages in name-calling. Anyway, the New Deal didn't end the Depression, WWII and the demand by returning GI's for housing and the following baby boom all played overriding roles. Oh, and the loss of 400,000 dead and hundreds of thousands more wounded eliminated from competing in the job market. But let's just ignore the facts and go with ideology. That's exactly why SSA is going into the dumper now--no one will pay attention to facts.

  10. I think that's enough. I will delete any further posts on this thread.

