
Mar 20, 2010

Negotiations On Sick Leave

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is in contract negotiations with Social Security. Recent posts by AFGE indicate that the current stumbling block is sick leave.


  1. "The Union also wants to restore time in the morning for TSRs to read updated POMS instructions and other information,"

    Can't see how management could be against people dealing with the public being awre of policy changes.

    One of the things I do everyday at sometime during the day is look at the daily updates in PolicyNet.

    This might be the reason some people complain about calling the 800# 3 times and getting three different,

    As far as the sick leave issue. If me or a family member was really sick and I called in for sick leave and was told I had to come in I would tell him or her do what you got to do, but I'll see you tomorrow.

  2. The main "stumbling block" is that SSA employees have not had a ratified contract since 2005 and both the management and unions should be ashamed of themselves!

  3. Consider the source. Don't believe everything you read, especially if it is posted on the AFGE website. Witold's taking a page from the Republicans to scare the masses to run to the Union for shelter from the bogeyman!!!
