
Mar 24, 2010

Palin Targets Chair Of Social Security Subcommittee

Sarah Palin has revealed a list of 17 Democrats in the House of Representatives that she is targeting for removal from Congress because they voted for health care reform. On the list is Earl Pomeroy, the Chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee.

Click here to make a campaign contribution to Representative Pomeroy.


  1. In this current political climate,i wonder if intelligence would be a requirement for sarah palin's election?

  2. Speaking of Ms Palin, now that we have Health Care Reform, I wonder when they will announce the Death Panel bureaucracy? Will there be a new agency or handle the killings? Or maybe HHS will handle it?

    I suppose the APA may be invoked to the extent that maybe Granny may be entitled to a Due Process hearing to see whether she is "shovel ready." Another ODAR may be created, called the Office of Death Adjudication and Review. Appeals would likely go to a Court of Last Resort. Wonder if those ALJ's would be tasked to do 500 to 700 "legally defensible" decisions a year?

  3. Clearly, intelligence at any level is not a prerequisite for election.

  4. Since Obama is the most unqualified person ever elected President, the bar has been permanently lowered.

  5. "Speaking of Ms Palin, now that we have Health Care Reform, I wonder when they will announce the Death Panel bureaucracy"

    On 13 August 2009, senators indicated that the advanced care planning provision was being dropped from consideration for the Senate version of the health care reform bill:

    Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, top Republican of the Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement that the provision had been dropped from consideration because it could be misinterpreted or implemented incorrectly.

    Since it was the Senate bill that was signed into law, we only have to worry about the level of care the bill provides killing us.

  6. A link to raise funds? That says much about this blog. Goodbye.

  7. "On 13 August 2009, senators indicated that the advanced care planning provision was being dropped from consideration for the Senate version of the health care reform bill:

    Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, top Republican of the Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement that the provision had been dropped from consideration because it could be misinterpreted or implemented incorrectly."

    Looks to me like your leg got pulled.
