
Mar 10, 2010

Pomeroy Is New Social Security Subcommittee Chair!

A press release from the House Ways and Means Committee:
Democratic Members of the Ways and Means Committee yesterday unanimously approved the following changes to their subcommittee memberships:
· Representative John Tanner (D-TN) will now serve as Acting Chairman of the Subcommittee on Trade
· Representative Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) will now serve as Acting Chairman of the Subcommittee on Social Security
This was caused by Charlie Rangel's resignation as Chair of the full Committee. I had figured that Representative Tanner would not want to move to a different subcommittee since he is retiring at the end of this Congress but what do I know?

Pomeroy would be described as a moderate Democrat. Tanner is a very active member of the Blue Dog Caucus which puts him somewhat further to the right politically.


  1. This is the most comprehensive guide I have come across. Thanks for sharing this with us!There are many things even experienced bloggers can learn from this post.So keep it up.

  2. Pomeroy will be out of Congress in January 2011.

  3. As will many other Dems
