
Mar 21, 2010

Pomeroy A Yes On Health Care Reform

Earl Pomeroy, the new Chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee, had earlier voted for the health care reform bill. It has been unclear how he would vote this time around. CNN is now reporting that Pomeroy plans to vote for the bill. Pomeroy may have a tight race for re-election. He may be looking to make as much as possible out of his new role as a Ways and Means Subcommittee chairman.


  1. Affordable healthcare should be a right,in an advanced society.

    I wonder,if"all men are created equal"mean anything to the those opposed to the plan.

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  3. If there is to be a second revolution then let it begin here and now! Let the political bloodbath begin in November followed closely by more bloodletting in 2012. No one will be safe. Neither a “D” nor an “R” following a name will be sufficient protection from the people’s blade! There is no time like now to begin the winnowing process; and there is no better reason than to dismantle a government that can’t be trusted to keep its part of the bargain.

  4. "If there is to be a second revolution then let it begin here and now!"

    Yep, come November if you are in office now I'm voting for the other person.

    Republican in power wasted my money and now the Democrats are going to waste even more of my money. We need a third party.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Seems odd that so many TeaBaggers read this blog. But they sure do pop up with regularity as soon as something progressive/positive happens or someone makes a progressive statement. In any case, it is a wonderful day in the US; the first steps toward health care reform have been taken. And it only took what, 60-70 years.

  7. Any abusive language directed at anyone posting here will be deleted.


  8. "Seems odd that so many TeaBaggers read this blog."

    Not a member of the Tea Party, I'm an SSA employee with a brain.

  9. Democrats will be defeated in November.

    They will lose both House and Senate.

    Obama will be a one-term president who will be defeated in 2012.
