
Mar 23, 2010

Yeah, Right

The New York Times thinks that "Now that landmark legislation overhauling the health insurance system is about to become law, addressing Social Security’s solvency could well become the next big thing for President Obama and Congressional Democrats. "

All we need is for Democrats and Republicans to agree on benefit cuts and tax increases. What could be difficult about that?


  1. Th silver bullet of tax increases has already been shot with the health care "reform" bill.

    The bill begins the march to higher taxes. High earners will pay 3.8 percent more in Medicare tax, on top of a promised increase, from 35 to 39.6 percent, in their income tax rate. Economists of every ideological stripe agree that raising taxes in a recession will slow or prevent recovery. The bill also creates a 3.8 percent tax on interest and dividend income above certain levels beginning in 2013. That's another growth killer.

    More important, in the long run the tax increases on high earners and supposed cuts in Medicare spending in this bill will not be available to solve the long-term fiscal problems of Social Security and Medicare. They will have been used up. What that will mean is this: A future Congress will have to scale back benefits or increase taxes on the middle class.

  2. Immigration is the next big thing,which may help mr obama,if i know the republican party.

  3. "Immigration is the next big thing,which may help mr obama."

    Amnesty for illegals is probably one of the next things that Obama tries to push, since they are covered by the health care "reform" bill. Joe Wilson will be right.

  4. Whoops

    Amnesty for illegals is probably one of the next things that Obama tries to push, since they are NOT covered by the health care "reform" bill.

  5. Illegal aliens should be deported, not supported.

  6. Deport them and the Social Security Trust Funds take a hit. When they work under phony SSNs, they pay in (as do their employers) but don't/can't get benefits. Ironic, eh?
