
Apr 2, 2010

I Wonder How This Happened

I have heard from a colleague who was put on hold recently by Social Security's Southeastern Program Service Center (PSC) in Birmingham, AL and by Social Security's Hearing Office in Atlanta. Both times she heard the same music looped to play over and over. The music is "I Surrender All." Here are the lyrics for "I Surrender All:"
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my Blessed Savior
I surrender all.
YouTube has a recording of this hymn made at the White House. That is probably a different recording than the one my colleague heard.


  1. Yeah I guess a lawyer would have a problem with anything to do with something holy or God. LOL

  2. All americans aren't christians,but i guess they play other tunes too.

  3. If I had to answer attorney and claimant calls at the PSC, I'd be continually asking for the help of a higher power, too.

  4. so what. music is music, they don't sing words. if we got rid of all the music related to religion we would have to get rid of most classical music as it was composed for the church.

  5. "All americans aren't christians,but i guess they play other tunes too."

    Just for lawyers they need to play AC/DC "I'm on the highway to hell." LOL

  6. Understand that what was objected to was a jazzed-up instrumental Musak version of this song. NO LYRICS! This is really reaching to supposedly be offended. Yet, SSA will instantly cave on this.

  7. How about Billy Talent's "Try Honesty"?

  8. Just replace "Jesus" with "Obama" and it all becomes clear.
