
Apr 8, 2010

It Takes Longer In Ohio

From the Dayton Daily News:
Ohio residents seeking Social Security Disability Insurance wait longer for a hearing than residents of any other state, says a study released Tuesday, April 6.

More than 19 months on average pass before disability claims are heard by administrative law judges who determine eligibility for benefits, said Allsup, an Illinois company that processes Social Security disability claims.

For more on this, see a Government Executive article.


  1. I love that characterization of Allsup: A company that "processes" SSD claims.

    More like, "A company that is paid by insurance companies to represent insureds."

    So, a study funded by the insurance industry has concluded it takes too long for the government to pay them. No one is shocked.

  2. And from what I understand, you wait all that time for a hearing and you're likely to get denied anyway, especially in Dayton.

  3. I notice that nearly all such stories as these contain a reference to Allsup. Do they feed these stories to the press for their own (free) advertising, or it just a major coincidence that any reporter doing a story on Social Security has Allsup on speed-dial?

  4. I'd hedge my bet on the former, please. Don't know much about Allsup, being a reputable rep myself, but they seem pretty shady.

  5. The idea that the magazine's readership (government execs) would take an Allsup "study" seriously is pretty hilarious.

    Plus, I can't take any "study" seriously when the front page says:

    "Move the curser [SIC] over the state to view more information about that states' [SIC] Hearing [SIC] backlog."
