
Apr 21, 2010

Why Do You Want To Open This Can Of Worms?

From a notice posted by Social Security on FedBizOpps:
The Social Security Administration is performing market research to identify potential sources for providing assistance with a study testing the usability and reliability of a prototype person-side instrument with items addressing an individual's ability to perform specific physical and mental work-related activities. This study is part of a larger project to develop a new occupational information system tailored specifically for the agency's disability programs and adjudicative needs. Specific tasks to be conducted include assisting in the development of the study design, developing three electronic data collection instruments (DCIs) and databases, developing one non-electronic DCI for focus groups, developing the protocol for each of the DCIs, facilitating and leading focus groups in 10 cities across the country, developing training, assisting with the pre-test(s) of the study design, monitoring the databases, analyzing study results, and preparing a report on the study findings.

1 comment:

  1. What in God's name does this mean? I'm familiar with bureaucratic gobbledygook, but this strains the English language.
