
May 15, 2010

Social Security Seeking iPhone App

From a contracting notice posted by Social Security:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is conducting a market survey to determine the availability and technical capability of qualified businesses with experience developing mobile applications for the iPhone and other mobile phone platforms. SSA is seeking contractor support with developing a mobile iPhone application that permits the public to access select periodic statistical records of SSA consistent with the Office of Management and Budget's direction for transparency and open government.


  1. Better hiring more people than wasting money on BS like this.

  2. Yeah, this is absolute crap.

  3. They would rather have increase of internet and iphone apps than to hire people at a lower grade, just to pick up the phones that go unanswered.

    How many clerks (CDC) could be hired while they try to find this contractor? And we all know that there will be bugs with the system that they will waste even more money trying to fix!
