
May 27, 2010

That Predicted Social Security Employee Retirement Wave ...

That predicted wave of Social Security employee retirements? It may not be happening. At least, the predicted retirement wave of federal employees generally is not happening The Federal Times reports that the number of retirements of federal employees dropped last year to its lowest level in seven years.

Has anyone seen any numbers on employee retirements just at Social Security?


  1. The financial system collapse caused folks to have huge retirement plan losses. Obviously, this has (probably for a long time to come) changed the retirement landscape.

    I know a lot of SSA employees who were planning to retire but who now can't afford to. Expect this trend to continue in the future.

  2. - try the separation cubes, and drill down into large independent agencies, where you'll find SSA data. if you're not comfortable building crosstab tables, you might need to fiddle with it for awhile...

    or i could save you the time and trouble and note that for 2009, OPM's fedscope datacubes indicate that ssa booked
    4,994 total separations (this excludes DDS);
    for 2008, 5,785;
    for 2007, 6,736;
    for 2006, 6,844; and
    for 2005, 5,514...

    of course, you'd need to consider these numbers relative to the overall size of the agency, the average age of employees, etc... all of which can also be found in the fedscope database. happy researching.


    Since I've gone to the trouble to pull and post this information that you requested, would you mind explaining how perfectly innocuous and illustrative comments of mine are sometimes excluded from the commentary? Do you review comments and only post those that are in line with your political ideology; for it seems that when I try to post contrarian viewpoints, especially about solvency issues, they are somehow supressed.
