
May 4, 2010

You Really Ought To Study This And File Comments

From today's Federal Register:
We are requesting comments on the recommendations submitted to us by the Occupational Information Development Advisory Panel (Panel) in its report entitled ``Content Model and Classification Recommendations for the Social Security Administration Occupational Information System, September 2009.'' The complete Panel report (including appendices) is available online at:

DATES: To ensure that we receive your feedback in a timely manner for consideration as the project develops, please submit your comments no later than June 30, 2010. ...

We strongly recommend that you submit your comments via the Internet. Please visit the Federal eRulemaking portal at Use the Search function of the Web page to find docket number SSA-2010-0018.
I keep telling everyone that this is of immense importance. Mostly, the response is a yawn. That scares me.

1 comment:

  1. You are quite correct that this is a critical issue, Mr. Hall. Still, it appears that the research and dynamics of these rather vague recommendations will take years to implement.
