
Jun 11, 2010

Two Federal Register Items

Today's Federal Register includes two items from the Social Security Administration. The sunset dates for the Listings for Cardiovascular System, Endocrine System, Growth Impairment, Hematological Disorders, Musculoskeletal System, Mental Disorders and Neurological, and Respiratory System have been extended to July 2, 2012. We do know that proposed new Listings for mental disorders may be coming in the near future, however. Social Security has also decided to change from using the word "Wholly" to using the word "Fully" when describing decisions that are completely favorable to claimants. I have no idea why they are going to the trouble to do this. The only explanation is that this "will make our regulations clearer and more consistent." Must be somebody's pet peeve.


  1. I don't think that a change from "Fully" to "Wholly" is about pet peeves. The bean counters have probably weighed in on it, and there is also a service issue.

    I think that "Wholly Favorable" provides better service to the public, by suggesting that a decision is favorable "to the whole extent," rather than fully and completely.

    Many claimants read the words "Fully Favorable" as "Fully Paid." They get understandably vexed to find out about all the subsequent limitations on effectuating payment.

    (e.g. five-month waiting period, workers' compensation offset, or financial eligibility for SSI throughout the backpay period.)

  2. Anon1, you misread the entry. They are changing all "wholly" to "fully," not the other way around. Honestly, I don't recall seeing the word "wholly" used all that often, but I prefer "fully" myself, personally.
