
Jul 19, 2010

Access To Electronic Files -- The Holdup Is Bandwidth

Social Security has just issued a new section to its POMS manual dealing with attorney and representative access to their clients' electronic folders at Social Security. The section tells us what is causing the delay in allowing all the attorneys and representatives access to the electronic folders, "Until we are sure of our bandwidth capability, only those invited representatives will succeed in accessing their clients’ eFolders." I suspected that was the problem but this is the first time, as far as I know, that Social Security has publicly acknowledged that the problem is at least partially bandwidth.


  1. Speaking of electronic files mr hall,this may or may not interest you. It's amazing that ssa discredit credible claimants for a denial but don't mind awarding convicts.

  2. The central problem is not bandwidth. The reps involved in the pilot project can tell you that the software does not work.
