
Jul 15, 2010

Inspector General Gets Involved In Utah Immigrant List

Someone recently sent a list of 1,100 purported illegal immigrants present in the state of Utah to Utah state agencies and news outlets. The list included Social Security numbers. This was done ananymously. TPM Media reports that Social Security's Inspector General has a copy of the list and is looking into whether federal laws were violated.


  1. "looking into whether federal laws were violated."

    Yeah, probably every law is being checked, except the ones about being in the country illegally.

  2. Illegal aliens should be deported, not supported.

  3. People who hire illegal aliens should be prosecuted. You can't round up and deport 11-14 million people. Eliminate the cheap jobs, end of problem.

  4. if those same illegal immigrants were not paying into the Trust fund but not benefiting from it, we'd have a big problem.

  5. Immigration should be connected to the country's economic condition therefore no bias would be involved with the subject.

    But i do question the character of a group of people who knowingly violate the law and willfully come to this country. Much different than slavery.

  6. #4: Paying-in-but-not-taking-out is often trotted out to dismiss the impact of illegal immigrants.

    But is this true? I haven't seen convincing evidence. Ignoring local-level taxes (state and lower) and other federal taxes (and benefits), let's stick with OASDI.

    How many illegal immigrants are actually paying into the Trust fund?

    If I'm an employer who is hiring somebody off the books, then there is no payment into the trust fund. I'm evading taxes, they're evading taxes. All around tax evasion. No OASDI taxes collected.

    If I'm paying somebody who is committing identity theft (i.e., using a false SSN), then either (1) the person whose false SSN is being used will get the benefits based on that payment, or (2) SSA is going to have to spend money disentangling the rightful SSN holder's actual earnings from the falsely reported earnings. How much will that cost? If there is amnesty, will those paying in on fake SSNs get to claim those earnings?

    Serious questions. If you have answers, please provide.

  7. Anon#3 is totally right on track. I've investigated countless cases of SSN theft by illegal aliens - some of the biggest companies in the country hire them. And they usually totally refuse to cooperate because there is no penalty for not cooperating. Come up with a way to make them pay a serious financial penalty, and you'd make a huge difference. I personally think that the company that hires the illegal should be responsible for the tax debt incurred due to the wages they illegally paid - call it a penalty for complicity in the crime. But that is just my opinion.

    If anyone here doesn't think it is a problem, give your SSN out to an illegal and see what happens. By the time the IRS gets done with you (of course, the first thing the illegals learn is that they can reduce their tax withholding to the bare minimums and the IRS will go after the legal holder of the SSN and not them), you'll be ready to kill somebody. I guarantee it, because I've seen it happen enough times before.
