
Jul 1, 2010

Maybe I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut

I reported earlier that Social Security planned to have a general signup this month in Raleigh for its "Representative Suite of Services," which allows attorneys and others who represent Social Security claimants online access to their clients' files. At this point, there are something like 200-300 attorneys and others being allowed to use this system but no general signup. I am now told that Social Security has decided against a general signup in Raleigh at this time. I do not know the reason. There are things in the system that I wish were designed differently but I have not noticed or heard of any significant glitches in the system. I think I would have heard if others were experiencing significant glitches.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if it's related, but, I hear there is going to be a new hearing office director in Raleigh.
