
Jul 15, 2010

New IRMAA Regs

From today's Federal Register:
We are modifying our regulations to clarify and revise what we consider major life-changing events for the Medicare Part B income-related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA) and what evidence we require to support a claim of a major life-changing event. Recent changes in the economy and other unforeseen events have had a significant effect on many Medicare Part B beneficiaries. The changes we are making in this interim final rule will allow us to respond appropriately to circumstances brought about by the current economic climate and other unforeseen events, as described below.
Does this seem hopelessly confusing and boring? Yes, but it affects real people and somebody has to administer it. Computers cannot do much of this. A lot of this cannot be done from a remote call center. It takes warm bodies spread out in offices around the country.

1 comment:

  1. Why not just raise the Part B premium for everybody by 10-15 bucks and stop the blah- blah time consuming IRMAA issues with these folks? It is such a waste of valuable time that is nonexistent in the SSA sweatshops!
