
Jul 9, 2010

Social Security Report Delayed -- Why?

The Angry Bear blog reports that there has been a significant delay in issuing the annual report of the Social Security trustees. Normally, the report is issued on March 31 of each year but this year's issue is still hanging fire. There was a rumor that the report would be issued in April and then a later rumor that it would be coming out in June but still no report and no word on when it is coming.

So, what's going on?


  1. As the report was about to be released, this thing called "Health Care Reform" passed. This has an effect on both the Social Security and Medicare reports, so both had to be redone.

  2. Don't see what Medicare has to do with the SS Trustees Report as far as its most important aspects are concerned. This delay has me thinking that something is up, that something being the Deficit Commission. This administration's ties to Peter Peterson's various "think tanks" and his role as a major DNC contributor is very disquietening. It's getting a little late to release the report this year. The election coming up makes the report potentially very damaging to both parties as the races heat up. Plenty of mud to throw on both sides and can't see much good coming of it. Nancy Ortiz
