
Jul 27, 2010

Top Secret -- Need To Know -- But What About Bucket 2?

From Social Security Emergency Message EM-10056:
We implemented the Simplified i3368 [which persons filing Social Security disability claims and appears online use] nationwide January 2010. In early May 2010, we discovered that certain doctor sources on the i3368, supplied by the claimant or third party, were missing when the field office imported the information into the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS). The Office of Systems investigated and found the coding caused the following issue: when internet users entered information about doctors or other healthcare professionals, but did not enter a doctor’s name (first or last) in the first data field, no information about that source, or any subsequent doctor sources, propagated into EDCS. This did not affect the information about hospitals and clinics. However, it is possible the propagation problem affected disability cases that are currently pending and cases in which a medical decision was made without considering all of the doctor source information the applicant provided. The coding is now correct. Affected cases processed between December 2009 - May 31, 2010 have been divided into two “Buckets.” Bucket 1 includes cases between December 12, 2009 – February 23, 2010. Bucket 2 includes cases between February 24, 2010 – May 31, 2010. eee

Bucket 1 claims and instructions are now available on the VIDI website. We are unsure which cases have information dropped from the i3368 in Bucket 1 cases. Therefore, SSA will need to contact claimants to ensure all doctor sources, and associated information, are in the Electronic Folder.

The authorization to access this data is via Top Secret/NT Security based on a need to know as required by an employee's job function.

1 comment:

  1. Just an fyi, Top Secret is a security product.
