
Aug 9, 2010

E-File Access Delayed

A few hundred attorneys already have online access to Social Security's electronic files. There is some frustration that this has not been made available to everyone who represents Social Security claimants. I am hearing that the problem is technical. Social Security would like to allow people to sign themselves up online -- with proper security controls -- but the software is not cooperating. Social Security can only sign people up in person which dramatically slows down the process. The latest word is that Social Security hopes to automate the process by November.


  1. That's not what I hear. I hear it's because attorneys are too obtuse to use the software.

  2. As usual, agency rolls out program before testing. What a system? Calling back and forth on cell phones to get a password! Even in November, I guarantee that SYSTEMS will have a total mess in place.

  3. Anonymous 1 - that's not true. I'd love to sign up for the program but was offered only in-person signup at very distant locations from where I practice.

  4. I have to spend a couple grand to go to Chicago and get signed up at the NOSSCR conference.
