
Sep 3, 2010

FICA Holiday?

From the Washington Post:
With just two months until the November elections, the White House is seriously weighing a package of business tax breaks - potentially worth hundreds of billions of dollars - to spur hiring and combat Republican charges that Democratic tax policies hurt small businesses, according to people with knowledge of the deliberations.

Among the options under consideration are a temporary payroll-tax holiday ...

[A] payroll-tax holiday - a top priority of many business groups - could be applied only to new hires or extended to current employees. It could be limited to small businesses or extended to larger firms.


  1. Too little, too late. Bye Bye Dems in November.

  2. They must be out of their minds to consider not collecting FICA taxes--even temporarily. There is enough problem with the future funding of Social Security and Medicare without doing this. I do hope that this is just one wild option that was thrown on the table. There are other taxes and fees that should be considered. Leave the aged, poor and disabled alone. Politics will have to find another way.

  3. Most Dib claimants are phonies.

  4. Oh, for cryin' out loud, A#3! Most are phonies. I see. Oh yeah. You have a compelling need to inform us about his obvious fault in the SS system. Where's your proof? Nancy O.

  5. Re FICA holiday--just another dumb, gimmicky, unproductive idea.
    More proof that the system is broken and neither side has any answers.

  6. Re FICA holiday--just another dumb, gimmicky, unproductive idea.
    More proof that the system is broken and neither side has any answers.
