
Sep 23, 2010

From The NOSSCR Conference -- I

Today was the first full day of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representative' (NOSSCR) semi-annual conference. More than 1,200 people were present at the Marriott Magic Mile in Chicago.

The day started with the annual Eileen Sweeney Public Service award, which this year went to David Traver and to me. David is well deserving of his award. He has maintained the SSAS Connect Board for many, many years. It is a vital resource in the Social Security world.

I am deeply grateful for my award. I have been involved with NOSSCR since 1979, the year it began and the year that I entered private law practice. I have gotten far more out of my involvement in NOSSCR than I ever put in. It is especially satisfying to receive an award named after Eileen Sweeney. She was a great woman who had an incredible impact on the world. I wish she could have lived longer.


  1. Congratulations! Your site is great and you certainly deserve the award.

  2. Congratulations Charles! You were long overdue. It was my pleasure to Chair the Selection Committee and present you with this prestigious award. Beyond your many other accomplishments, your Social Security News Blog is required reading by any practioner worth his or her salt!
