
Sep 4, 2010

Government Shutdown Coming Next Year?

You may have noticed that Republicans are in a take no prisoners, make no compromises, our way or nothing mode. It has not made Republicans more popular but it has certainly made Democrats less popular by making it difficult for them to govern. There are frighteningly plausible Republican plans to shut down government next year to try to stop health care reform.


  1. Got an unemployment problem? I have a great idea for ya! Just shut down the government for as long as you can, thus causing federal employees to apply for unemployment. Unemployment claims go up, economy takes another nosedive right before Christmas. And, of course, all of this is the result of the incompetence of the defeated party! Kewl! Go for it, guys. Bound to do the trick. Nancy O.

  2. News flash it's already here thanks to our President policies.,0,4657794.story

    "Even with August's gains, job growth has weakened in recent months and isn't enough to keep the unemployment rate from rising. Private employers have added only 78,000 jobs per month, on average, in the past three months. It would take at least 200,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth and rehire millions of unemployed Americans.

    Many economists don't expect that pace of job growth until next year. As a result, the unemployment rate could exceed 9 percent for many more months.

  3. This is what is really scary--neither party seems to have it in them to provide the leadership or insight to solve these problems. It is the worst I have seen in my lifetime of nearly 60 years. I guess I sound like an old geezer, but that's that.
