
Sep 30, 2010

I'm Glad Republicans Oppose Class Warfare

Word has been leaking out that Republican members of the President's deficit reduction commission want to cut Social Security benefits, probably by increasing full retirement age. Word is now leaking out that at the same time Republicans are pressing for the Commission to recommend corporate and capital gains tax cuts. Their plan is to cut Social Security benefit payments so we can reduce taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals.

By the way, the National Organization for Women found an interesting way of protesting former Senator Alan Simpson's remarks about how "We've reached a point now where it's like a milk cow with 310 million tits!"


  1. "Their plan is to cut Social Security benefit payments so we can reduce taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals".

    Will these tax cuts produce more jobs in america therefore contributing more taxes to the ssa,or the government? If tax cuts were the answer,jobs would not have been outsource over the last few years.

  2. I am looking forward to the day when former Sen. Simpson goes home and the Catfood Commission goes the way of all Commissions. Nowhere. In Simpson's case, however, I'd be willing to buy him a Business Class ticket if it would get rid of him faster. No such luck of course. Nancy Ortiz

  3. How about that bit where he tells the woman that if she works, Social Security will become solvent?
