
Sep 7, 2010

Increasing The Retirement Age In France

From CBS:
French strikers disrupted trains and planes, hospitals and mail delivery Tuesday amid massive street protests over plans to raise the retirement age. ...

[P]eople poured into the streets in 220 cities, setting off flares and beating drums ...

French protesters are angry about the government's plan to do away with the near-sacred promise of retirement at 60, forcing people to work until 62 because they are living longer. ...

One sign in Paris showed a raised middle finger with the message: “Greetings from people who will die on the job.”

1 comment:

  1. This is the result of the European Socialism that the Obamites are pushing us toward. The party is over, over there, just as the lefties over here think they can pull us all onto the bandwagon. All this leads to is national bankruptcy.
