
Sep 16, 2010

Legislation Passed To Name Building After Robert Ball

A press release from Social Security:

Legislation to name the Operations Building at Social Security headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland as the “Robert M. Ball Federal Building” cleared a significant hurdle with passage in the House of H.R. 5773 by unanimous consent. It is fitting to name this building after Bob Ball who served as Commissioner of Social Security under three Presidents and who continued to write and speak about Social Security until his death in 2008.

I want to thank the sponsor of this legislation, Congressman Elijah Cummings, the co-sponsors including the Maryland congressional delegation, Acting House Ways and Means Chairman Sander Levin, and Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Earl Pomeroy. This legislation now heads to the Senate where I hope it quickly passes.


  1. Huh? Naming a building is a hurdle for Congress? They struggle to name buildings?

    It's no wonder they can't - stand up, be counted, on record (supporting)

    the righteousness of Conyers - Grijalva - Maffi. I refuse to give them kudos.

    Not for naming buildings that won't serve a function, with Privatization of SS.

    They aren't their for - arts and crafts. NO KUDOS
    Until - they prove themselves REAL men and women,
    fighting hurdling (in unity) for OUR security.
    "Working" "Americans" - with enormous, daily HURDLES trying to survive.

    Why not name it?

    "BALL" game over!

    Working Americans - 0 Corporatists - SLAM DUNK

    My money is on Mr. Ball chanting - yes yes yes - name it thus!

    Does no one but, Roosevelt and Ted Kennedy, hear our repressed voices, during the stillness of dawn, weeping for compassion, help, relief, for our broken bodies and minds?

    Rhonda, grieving for the loss, of the America I trusted in, as a child.
    Closing the book on another fairy tale. Shhhhhhh go to sleep America

  2. Why not name the new Computer Center Building for Commissioner Ball? The last time I saw the Operations Bldg. it lacked a lot of being a prime aesthetic experience. Is that the best we can do for the architect of the Field Organization and the Medicare and Disability programs? Guess so. Nancy Ortiz
