
Sep 9, 2010

Social Security Employees Rate Their Agency Highly As Place To Work

A press release from Social Security:

Social Security employees rate their agency as one of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government according to The Partnership for Public Service and American University’s Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation. Among the large federal agencies in the top ten Best Places to Work, Social Security also had the greatest improvement in overall employee satisfaction.

“I am always impressed by the outstanding work of our employees and by their commitment to public service,” said Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security. “Our workloads have grown tremendously due to the recession and we are under more pressure than ever to keep up with the increased demand for our services. Despite these pressures, every day our employees bring the energy and teamwork necessary to provide the public with the highest standard of considerate service.”

The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® rankings draw on responses from more than 263,000 federal employees to produce detailed rankings of employee satisfaction across 290 federal agencies and subcomponents. Data from the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is used to rank agencies according to a Best Places to Work index score, which measures overall employee satisfaction. In addition to the employee satisfaction rating, agencies are scored in workplace categories such as effective leadership, employee skills/mission match, pay and work/life balance. Social Security employees gave the agency higher ratings in all of these categories when compared to the prior survey.

“Our employees make a positive difference in the lives of millions of Americans,” Commissioner Astrue said. “I encourage anyone looking for a career in public service to look closely at Social Security. You can make a difference in people's lives and your own.”


  1. The problem with employee ratings of SSA is that it depends entirely on where you actually work. Working in Central Office is completely different from working in an urban field office, which is different from a Payment Center, or the 800#, and so on. And you might work in a good field office with a sane, competent manager, but the office 30 miles away might be a sweatshop with a Captain Queeg. It's apples, and oranges, and bananas, and nuts, and pomegranates. Any federal agency is a good place to work, right now, so I think the differences between agencies are mostly statistical anomalies.

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  3. i have never put much stock in these surveys. besides the problem of trying to compare all these disparate work environments within ssa, how does one really compare a typical ssa job to one at another agency? unless you have worked at different agencies, you only have ssa's view of the workforce.

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  5. Is it SSA is a good place to work, or the rest or so bad? I have to say after working for the government for 30 plus years, the manager you have determines if you like where you work.
