
Nov 26, 2010

5th Anniversary

Social Security News is now five years old. I have made well over 4,000 posts. I have no idea how much time I have put in on it. I know that I have gotten a good deal of satisfaction out of it. I hope that my readers have found this blog useful.


  1. Your blog and other boards has been helpful.

    Thank you

  2. Durn tootin' Charles. Keep it up.

  3. No kidding, your blog is the first place I come to when I fire up my work computer in the morning. It makes me feel as if I'm doing useful internet browsing, and can then go on to Gawker with a clear conscience :).

    Seriously, though, your blog is my go-to site for the news and info that I need to stay completely in the loop as a representative.

    Thank you for your effort.

  4. in a strange way your blog gives me hope. knowing that there are other people going through what i am going through has helped me keep fighting when it looks like i should quit.

  5. Your blog is a beacon into the darkness - Thank you

  6. Your blog is superb. Very informative. The first source when it comes to SSDI law. Please keep up the great work. You are assisting an untold number of people who need help getting through this maze. Thank you!

  7. Very informative. One of the best blogs I follow. Thank you.

  8. even though i work at ssa, i get better perspective of the agency through this blog than from any "inside" source. thank you so much for your time and effort.

  9. Charles,

    Thank you.


  10. Thanks, Mr. Charles. I was just thinking how hard it was for us to get any reliable information about anything when I was still working. This information would have been invaluable to us back then. I'm glad it's available to everyone now. Don't even think about shutting down this blog. Just don't! Nancy Ortiz

  11. Happy anniversary! Your blog is a valuable source of info - keep it up!
