
Nov 21, 2010

Fighting Back -- Does The Public Know Enough To Care?

From a law firm's blog:
At the Landau Law Shop, Herndon Disability lawyer Doug Landau was contacted by several families with bad outcomes as the result of using a volume law firm that failed to prepare their all important Federal cases. While we normally meet with clients, their families and prepare them well in advance of their court date, these firms meet their clients minutes before they are to appear before an Administrative Law Judge ! These cases tugged at our heart strings. In one case, the family was represented by a non-attorney "representative." Another family contacted Social Security lawyer Landau after their lawyer did not file the medical records they procured with the Federal Government and the case was lost.


  1. I know an attorney of a single attorny firm who did little for a client. So it's not limited to big
    law firms.

  2. But a significant difference between a solo and a "throw spagetti at the wall" big firm, is the adverstising. The big firms spend big money targeting mostly unsophisticated conusumers that they (big firm) are they best in business.It ain't true

  3. I know of a firm that is advertising nationally. They sign up clients and hold on to them throughout the process until about 6 months after filing the request for hearing. Then, when it is immediately obvious that no on the record decision is coming, they withdraw as rep from the majority of cases.

    If Binder succeeds with its lawsuit over three-way video hearings, these types of firms will pop up everywhere.
