
Nov 6, 2010

I'm Glad Republicans Aren't Getting Carried Away

From the Washington Post:
To make good on their campaign pledge to reduce the size of government, Republicans say they are planning a series of quick moves to slash spending soon after they take control of the House in January. Among the likely options: a massive rescissions package that aides said would slice 20 percent from most domestic agency budgets and enact $160 billion in additional cuts endorsed by visitors to Cantor's "YouCut" Web site. ...

Conservatives, meanwhile, dismissed the proposal as too puny to satisfy a public fed up with three years of bailouts, deficit-spending and other far-reaching government programs.
Could someone explain to me how they get the Senate to pass this and either get the President to sign it or get both houses of Congress to override his veto?


  1. 159,000 jobs in october tells me the president knows what he is doing without the republicans so called"bright ideas".

  2. Sounds like another SSI Redet and CDR moratorium coming. I know the people are getting away with fraud, but there just aint enough staff to do all these Redeterminations.

  3. Disability fraud is rife. Dishonest clmts and their attys are milking the system dry.

  4. Anon. 3 - Can you name names, or are you venting hot air?

  5. They will neither get it past the Senate nor past a veto; however, in the 2012 campaign, they will have a list of names who voted against spending cuts and/or a veto or two upon which to campaign.
