
Nov 15, 2010

New Homepage For Social Security

The Social Security Administration unveiled its new homepage today.

It looks less cluttered to me. What do you think?


  1. Yes, clean and easy to use

  2. First thing i noticed was "the united states"

    Is this suppose to make ssa sound more respectable?

  3. Easier to get around in, but very vanilla and boring. Although honestly, I don't think the government would be capable of producing a snazzy site with Flash and interesting design.

  4. About the 5th time the SSA Web site has been redesigned. Every time they say this is the greatest since sliced bread, so easy to find things Yada Yada Yada.

    About all that really happens is now the blue buttons are red and the red buttons are blue, the ones on the left are now on the right and the ones on the right are now on the left.

    The biggest bunch of BS was when the Web site name went from to and this we were told was supposed to make it easier for people.

    First place to cut the SSA budget is Home Page design.

  5. It's OK. It showed up too small in my browser when I first went there, so I had to increase the size. I tend to want things like Trustees' Reports and updates to the detailed calculator (btw, the latest version was posted a few days ago), and these are not particularly easy to find (including on the new version). Fortunately, I have them bookmarked and the bookmarks still work - it looks like most of the change was in the top page and the color scheme.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. anyone having issues getting the adult online disability link to work, been having issues since Monday and I can't tell if it's a SSA issue or my company's IT / Network issues. I call SSA and they said there were no known issues.

  8. A little better than the last (or first) website. It is not designed to look flashy. It is for simplicity. It did a decent job. Wow, I can't believe I complimented the SSA.
